(Chancery Miscellanea, Bundle 34, File 8, No. 241a)
Discovered by Leslie Hotson, and this transcription
printed in his The Death of Christopher Marlowe (p.26)
Elizabeth dei gratia Anglie ffrancie & Hibernie Re-
(Indorsed) tenor recordi in isto brevi mencionati patet
in quadam inquisicione huic brevi annexata /.
Responsio Willelmi Danby Coronatoris hospicij do-
mine Regine
Hotson's translation was:
"Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France &
Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith &c To our well-
beloved William Danby, Gentleman, Coroner of our
household, greeting. Wishing for certain causes to be
certified upon an indictment made in your presence
concerning the death of Christopher Morley, upon
view of the body of the same Christopher, at Detforde
Strande in our County of Kent within the verge
lying dead and slain, whence a certain Ingram ffrysar,
late of London, Gentleman, is indicted (as by the
record thence remaining with you it fully appears)
And whether the same Ingram slew the aforesaid
Christopher in self-defence, & not feloniously or of
malice aforethought, so that in no wise could
he avoid his own death, or not; we command you to
send the tenor of the indictment aforesaid with every-
thing touching it and whatsoever names the parties
aforesaid in that indictment are known by, to us in
our Chancery under your seal distinctly & openly
without delay, & with this writ. Witness myself at
Westminster on the 15th day of June in the year of
our reign the thirty-fifth.
[Indorsed The tenor of the record mentioned in this
writ appears in a certain inquisition annexed to this
Return of William Danby Coroner of the household to
our lady the Queen."