In obitum honoratissimi viri Rogeri Manwood militis quaestorii Reginalis Capitalis Baronis Noctivagi terror, ganeonis triste flagellum, Et Jovis Alcides, rigido vulturque latroni, Urna subtegitur. Scelerum gaudete Nepotes. Insons, luctifica sparsis cervice capillis Plange, fori lumen, venerandae gloria legis, Occidit: heu, secum effoetas Acherontis ad oras Multa abiit virtus. Pro tot virtutibus uni, Livor, parce viro; non audacissimus esto Illius in cineres, cuius tot milia vultus Mortalium attonuit: sic cum te nuntia Ditis Vulneret exsanguis, feliciter ossa quiescant, Famaque marmorei superet monumenta sepulchri. |
Upon the death of the most honoured man, Sir Roger Manwood, Lord Chief Baron of the Queen's Exchequer. The terror of the night-prowler, harsh scourge of the profligate, both Jove's Alcides [Hercules] and vulture to the stubborn bandit, is buried within the funeral urn. Rejoice, you sons of crime. You the guiltless one, your hair unkempt on your sorrowful neck, mourn. The light of the courts, the glory of the venerable law is dead: Alas, with him to the exhausted shores of Acheron [the nether world] much virtue departed. Before one of so much worth, Envy, spare this man; be not too unwary of that which is in ashes, he whose look left so many thousands of mortals thunderstruck: Thus, though the bloodless messenger of Dis [death] shall wound you, may your bones rest happily, and your fame outlive the memorials of the marble tomb. | |
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