Ther was a command layed on me [latly] to stay on [m]r [Ba]yns which did use to resort vnto
me which I did persve [ ] in tym allthoughe then I did not ons so much as Immagin where he
was I found him ought and got the desyered secrit at his hand. for which the sytty of london
promysed as allso by proclymasion was promysed a hundered crownes but not a peny parformed
and a fine evasion made
After ther was a lybell by my men[e]s fou[n]d ought and delyvered a vyld bocke allso by my
desyfering taken and a notabell vylayn or toe which ar close prysonnars and bad matters
agaynst them of an exceding natuer and it no reward but all the credit puled ought of my
mouth and I robbed of all
Then after all this ther was by my only means sett doun vnto the Lord Keper the Lord of
Bucurst the notablyst and vyldist artyckeles of Athemisme that I suppose the lyke was never
known or red of in eny age all which I can show vnto you they were delyvered to her hynes and
command geven by her selfe to prosecut it to the fule but no recompense no not of a peny
Sithens that tym there is ould hold and shoue for to gett the bocke that doeth mayntayn this
damnabell sect which bocke I presum ther wold be geven great somes for and larg promysis
offered in lyke manor but [ ] non of thos will I trust but if I may secrytly confer with you
I and on that I haue brought with me a marchent will geue you such lyght as he and I can
bring you to the man that doeth know who did wryght the bocke and they to howe it was delyvered
as allso who red the lecture and whe[r] and when with dyverse such other secrytes as the state
wold spend a thousand poundes to know and a better peny as him selfe affyrmeth which man him
selfe I can bring forth in loue to you if he may be but buckled and rewardid I can in lyke
manor revell vnto you an Alderman or too that doe convay over mony to the enymy and get named
vnto you ther poysoned factors
In lyke manor I can tell you of such a devyse intendid agaynst the state by a captayn as
never was hard of the lyke as I thinke
I know I am not gras[iu]s in the syght[e] of your brother therfor if it please you eyther to
[R]ake your coch or nage I will attend you and declar the rest of my mynd and bring a Ryght
honest marchant with me which shal Iustify vpon his othe all that I haue sett doune [&] I
presum you shall know such a secryt if you please to hear me a lyttel and goe on my way
because I know the natuer of the party as you haue not bin posessed of a good whyle
now sir I haue vsed a faythfull hart to you geuen you the onsett of this acsion which is
notably sought after so vse me and my frend as we may haue cause to pray for you and after you
shall be posessed of the matters so recommend our servysis to the Lord Tresurer as we may
receyve sum reward and fauor in his syght and thus praying to god for you with a vnfyned
hart vntill I speake with you or know your plesuer I [am] staying at the watter syd vntill
I hear from you in Rychmond syd the first August
Yours in all duty
Thomas Drury
Sir the trew loue that I haue euer born to your honorabell father as allso to all his house
hath forced me to singell you ought for many vertus acsions and desiors that I know and hear
to be in you to vnfold s[um] latte accidentes which ar with in my knowledge and for brevite
sake and for avoyding your farther trubell with ought cycumsta[u]ns thus standeth the matters
to command