APPENDIX III: Mendenhall-type 'Characteristic Curves'

Jonathan Swift is represented, hardly surprisingly, by the whole of Gulliver's Travels. Half of each of the four voyages (Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and the Land of the Houyhnhnms) contributed to each of the two profiles. The resulting figures were:

Word Length (letters)12345678
Jonathan Swift (1)21138051822470175000336229581767
Jonathan Swift (2)32981208412610105967491508949963034
Word Length (letters)9101112131415
Jonathan Swift (1)116075039716085197
Jonathan Swift (2)201412606913281515116

Pearson's coefficient of correlation, showing how far the two profiles are similar to each other, works out at r=.99933 (where r=1 would indicate identical profiles).

Jane Austen's novels Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park and Persuasion were similarly bisected in each case. The resulting profiles were:

Word Length (letters)12345678
Jane Austen (1)4878267363303224852142461074492655742
Jane Austen (2)4686266943364325602148751062090895949
Word Length (letters)9101112131415
Jane Austen (1)51462628136977841412037
Jane Austen (2)49172713146882840412823

The correlation between the two profiles, as is quite clear, was again very high (at r=.99974).

A very different 'characteristic curve', with a sharp peak at 3-letter words, appears from a whole assortment of Longfellow's poems. Only the longest of these (The Song of Hiawatha) needed to be split in two. The profiles were:

Word Length (letters)12345678
H. W. Longfellow (1)5263842732948063549276321461543
H. W. Longfellow (2)6513682730149503470268821091373
Word Length (letters)9101112131415
H. W. Longfellow (1)80233216845840
H. W. Longfellow (2)70832410932552

An assortment of Thomas Middleton's plays, thanks to Chris Cleary's excellent collection, allowed me enough material simply to take two lots of plays at random, giving the following profiles:

Word Length (letters)12345678
Thomas Middleton (1)560416620233752261013339772654703204
Thomas Middleton (2)541316211235532245412820783657123114
Word Length (letters)9101112131415
Thomas Middleton (1)183288339814669164
Thomas Middleton (2)185887636511769137