APPENDIX II - Cathologue Des Livres De Monsieur Le Doux
LPL MS.655 f.185-6

TranscriptAn interpretation
Librorum latinorum indexList of books in Latin
Medicina Weckerj in f oHanss Jacob Wecker: Medicinae utriusque Syntaxes (1583), a huge classification of medical knowledge, from Greek, Latin & Arab sources
De Origine Turcarum & Scanderbegj histo. in f oJoannes Baptista Egnatius: 'A little book on the origins of the Turks'; (probably bound together with Marinus Barletius's Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi)
Mussulmannica historia Leuenclauij in f oJoannes Leunclavius: Neuwer Musulmanischer Histori (New History of the Moslems)
Paralipomena hist Turciæ Leuencla. in 4oSupplement by Leunclavius: Historiae Musulmanae Turcorum (Stories of the Turkish Moslems)
Operæ succisiuæ Camerarij in 4oPhilippus Camerarius: Operæ horarum subcisivarum. 'The Walking Library', or 'meditations and observations, historical, natural, moral, political and poetical' (1591)
Dialogj CastalionisThe Dialogi Sacri of Sebastian Castalio. The story of the Bible, illustrated by means of 139 'sacred dialogues'
Pædagogus freigijJoannes Thomas Freigius: Pædagogus (Basel, 1582) 'A little book showing how, in the first instance, the beginning of the arts may be easily taught to young boys'
Nomenclator JunijAdrianus Junius: Nomenclator Hadriani Junii: Lists of Latin words in various categories - vegetables, the body, weapons, health etc.
Constantia LipsijJustus Lipsius (1547-1606): De Constantia (1583), a Senecan tract, teaching how to find comfort in the midst of calamity.
La BibbiaThe Bible in Italian, translated by Santi Marmochini (1546)
Le vite de glj ImperatorjAntonio Zantani: book on the first twelve Caesars, Venice (1548) (after Suetonius?)
La fabrica del mondoFrancesco Alunno: words of Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, et al, on the Creation (1581)
Lettere del Tasso in 4oTorquato Tasso: collections of his letters were published in 1581, 1587 and 1588
HecatonmithiCinthio (Giovanni Battista Giraldi) 1504-1573: Hecatommithi, stories, including 'Disdemona and the Moor' and 'I and Epitia' (Measure for Measure)
Gierusalemme liberataTorquato Tasso: 'Jerusalem Delivered' (1581)
Gierusalemme conquistataTorquato Tasso: 'The Conquest of Jerusalem' (1593) Tasso's revision of the above, but generally considered inferior to it
Lhore dj recreationeLodovico Guiccardini: L'Hore di Recreatione (the hours of recreation). Italian & French facts to help in learning the languages
Dittionario volgare e franceseItalian vernacular and French dictionary.
SleidanoJoannes Sleidanus Philippson (c1506-1556): Commentary on G. Sleidano (?) translated into the Tuscan language (1557)
Il Corteggiano in 3 lingueBaldassare Castiglione (1478-1529): 'The Courtier' (in Italian and two other languages, probably French and English)
Trattenimentj del BargagljScipione Bargagli of Siena: I trattenimenti, di... (the Entertainments of...) Games, stories and love songs. Venice (1587)
Historia ImperialPedro Mexia: History of the (Holy) Roman Empire, including the lives of all Emperors, from Julius Caesar to Maximilian I (1547)
Cronica del Principe CastriotoMarinus Barletius: Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi, Epirotarum principis. Life of Scanderbeg, Prince Castrioto (1520) Trans. from Portuguese by J.Ochoa (1588)
Auenturas de Antonio PerezRaphael Peregrino (ie Perez): first part of autobiography; printed by C. Yetsweirt in London. (1594?)
Las epistolas de GueuaraAntonio de Guevara (1480-1545): a Spanish court preacher and man of letters; his Epistolas familiares covered the period from 1539 to 1542
Vocabulario de las dos lenguas Tos. y CastellanaDictionary of the Tuscan and Castilian languages (Venice, 1516), by Christoval de las Casas. The Tuscan dialect was the one used by Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio
Historia EthiopicaHeliodorus, bishop of Tricca: Æthiopica, a sensational Greek novel of the 3rd century, story of the lovers Theagenes & Charicleia. Trans. into Spanish by Fernando de Mena (1587)
Euangelios y actos de los Apostoles con coment.The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles (with commentary), in Spanish. Trans. Cypriano de Valera or Francisco de Enzinas.
Psalmos de DauidThe Book of Psalms in Spanish (Trans. with summaries by Juan Perez de Pineda, 1557)
Reglas GrammaticalesAntonio del Corro (1527-91) Reglas gramaticales para aprender la lengua española y francesa. Spanish & French 'rules of grammar'.
La deliurance de Hierusalem in 4oTorquato Tasso's 'Jerusalem Delivered' (in French)
Hierusalem en rime francoiseAs above, but translated into verse, by Jean du Vignau (Paris, 1595)
Cornelius TacitusWorks of Cornelius Tacitus, Roman historian, mainly of Augustus and after (in French, trans. Claude Fauchet & Étienne de la Planche - 1584)
Les harangues militairesFrançois de Belleforest, Harangues militaires et concions de princes, capitaines, ambassadeurs et autres, maniant tant le guerre que les affaires d'estat (Paris: Nicolas Chesneau, 1572; P. Menier, 1588).
Essays de MontaigneMichel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592): Essais
Les sepmaines du BartasGuillaume de Salluste, seigneur du Bartas (1544-1590): La Semaine, (Poems about 'the creation' and 'the childhood' of the world)
Les fables d'Esope en taille doulceAesop's Fables (in French) with line engravings.
Sleidan des 4 empiresJoannes Sleidanus Philippson (1557) on 'The Four Empires' (History of the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman Empires)
Il nuouo testamento latino e volgareThe New Testament, in Latin and in Italian vernacular (1558). Translated from the Greek, into Latin by Erasmus, and into Italian by Antonio Brucioli
Le coffre de bonne esperanceThe Chest of Good Hope: (Possibly not a book, but the chest and contents as in Appendix I)
Monsr Petit un angelotNot a book, but a note of the fact that Anthony Bacon's secretary, Jaques Petit, owes Le Doux one 'angel', i.e. 10 shillings (see LPL Bacon Papers MS.654 f.13).
Onomasticon 7 linguarum JunijAdrianus Junius: Dictionary of Latin, Greek, German, Dutch, French, Italian and Spanish languages. 570pp. Antwerp (1567)
Sallustio volgareGaius Sallustius Crispus (Sallust) 86-c35BC : Roman historian, in Italian vernacular. Probably his larger and most important work (Historiae), a history of Rome from 78 to 67 BC.
Commentarij CæsarisJulius Caesar's 'Commentaries'.
Sallustius latineSallust, Roman historian, in Latin
Terentius latine & Italice in 4oTerence (Publius Terence Afer, 95-59BC?) Roman comic dramatist, in Latin and Italian (trans. Giovani Fabrini, 1548)
Hercolano del VarchiBenedetto Varchi, L'Hercolano (1570) A 'dialogue' on the Tuscan dialect as it was spoken in Florence.
Giambularj della lingua fiorentinaPier Francesco Giambullari: on the language of Florence (1551)
Commentaire de Cæsar de Vigenere in f oJulius Caesar's 'Commentaries', translated by Blaise de Vigenère (1589), known for his book on secret codes
Comedie di PlautoComedies by Plautus (254-184BC), Roman comic dramatist
Nomenclator quatrilinguisAdrianus Junius: Nomenclator in four languages. Latin, Dutch, French and Gallica Belgica (Flemish?)
fiorettj della lingua volgare e latinaThe 'Little Flowers of St. Francis': verses based on the life of St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) in Italian vernacular and Latin
The french AlphabetG. Delamothe: "The french alphabeth, teaching in a very short tyme, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to reade it perfectly, to write it truely, and to speake it accordingly" (Printed by Richard Field, 1592)
Dos tratados del papa y de la missaCypriano de Valera: Two satirical treatises, the first of the lives of the Popes & their doctrines, the second of the Mass. 'And a vindication of reformed devotion' (1588)
Bible dorée en AngloisGilt Bible, in English
Terence en petit volumeA small volume of Terence's plays, in French

Although almost every one of these books is in a language other than English, nearly all of them are in the British Library. One even wonders, in fact, if the collection itself found its way there eventually. Check them out for yourself on the British Library's on-line catalogue