APPENDIX I - The contents of Monsieur Le Doux’s trunk
Transcript | An interpretation |
Ltres de Monsr Rowleston | Letters from Anthony Rolston, agent of Anthony Bacon, mainly in Spain |
Ltres de Monsr Moresin | Letters from Thomas Morrison, agent of Anthony Bacon in Scotland |
Ltres de Sr A: Perez, et de copies d'autres ltres et papières touchant luy devant et depuis son depart | Letters from Antonio Perez (see text) and copies of other letters and papers concerning him both before and after his departure in July 1595 |
Ltres de Monsr le C. d'Essex | Letters from the Earl of Essex |
Ltres de Mr fantis | Letters from Nicholas Faunt (close friend of the Bacons; former secretary to Sir Francis Walsingham) |
Ltres de Mr Cockburne | Letters from Sir Richard Cockburn, secretary to James VI, King of Scotland |
Ltres de my L. Tresorer | Letters from my Lord Treasurer (William Cecil, Lord Burghley] |
Ltres de Mr Standen | Letters from Anthony Standen, (alias Monsieur La Faye and André Sandal), agent of Bacon and Lord Burghley |
Ltres de Mr Bruz | Letters from Robert Bruce, minister in Edinburgh, and agent for Anthony Bacon; (but could be Edmund Bruce, his agent in Italy) |
Ltres de grand seigneures & gent Escossois | Letters from great milords and gentlemen of Scotland |
Ltres de Edward yates durant sa demeure en france 1595 | Letters from Edward Yates (Anthony Bacon’s servant) during his stay in France in 1595. Yates was apparently there to keep an eye on what Perez was up to after he went back to France |
Papières touchant la composition faite avec Mr de Luzan l'an 1591& les affaires des pauvres Maistres de Navire, Beverson, Jeames & Cleark poursuivant la recompence de --------(?) par le ro(?)pemt de promesse des Marchands sur lad(it) composition | Papers concerning an agreement reached with Monsieur de Lussan (Governor of Blaye) in 1591, concerning the recovery of some ships, ‘and the affairs of the poor ships’ masters - Beverson, James and Clark’ |
Livre d'instructions & ltres de Sr fr Wallsingha(m), estant Ambassadeur en france pour la Royne d'Angleterre | Book of instructions and letters from Francis Walsingham when he was Ambassador in France for the Queen of England |
A collection of all her ma(jes)ties offices. | List of crown appointments? |
Ceremonies, memories & orders of the Estate of England | |
A register of her ma(jes)ties offices aswell publick as particuler | |
Obeservacons uppon a lible published in the yeare 1592 | Francis Bacon’s 'Observations upon a libel published in 1592' |
of the Princes & present state of Christendome 1582 | |
Pate(r?) de an(n)o 4rcino Elizabethae Regniae | Details of celebration of the silver jubilee in 1583? |
Docteur Loppes confession to poison her Ma(jes)tie & les instructions pour my Lord Wimes | Alleged plot by Queen’s doctor, Roderigo Lopez, to poison her (in 1594); discovered by Essex. Lord Wemyss was Scottish Ambassador James Colville |
The tree of the comon wealth | |
De la Republiq d'Angleterre | About England (the word ‘republic’ is not politically significant) |
Secrett memories of Scotland | |
Autre livre de memoires d'Escosse | Book of other Scottish memories |
Le livre des Oraisons & harangues du pere de Mr | Book of orations and speeches by the Lord Keeper, Nicholas Bacon, father of Francis & Anthony; (book now in British Library) |
The Declaration given to Mr wade being sent into Spaine | William Waad was agent of Sir Francis Walsingham, and later clerk to the Privy Council. Could be Le Doux being sent, but Waad was ‘dispatched to the King of Spain’ early in 1584 |
The generall causes of the disorders mutinies in the Scotish comon wealth | |
L'estat d'Espaigne | The state of Spain |
A true report of the detestable treason intended by Doctor Lopes | A true report of the detestable treason intended by Dr. Lopez (see above) by Francis Bacon |
The praise of his soveraigne | The praise of his sovereign (i.e. the Queen) by Francis Bacon |
Discours de Mr fr: sur la discretion | Discourse on 'Discretion' by Francis Bacon |
Ses essayes & une de ses ltres a un Ministre Evesq ou Archevesq | Francis Bacon’s 'Essays' (not published until the following year) and one of his letters to a minister, bishop or archbishop |
Some Ministers discourse to her ma(jes)tie for matters of state | |
Partheniades en louange de la Reyne | Partheniades (see text) in praise of the Queen |
abrege des forces d'Angleterre | Summary of the English forces |
Discours touchant les Esglises | Discourse concerning Churches |
Ltrs & discours de Mr Berauld Ministre | Letters from, and a discourse by, a contact of Anthony Bacon in Montauban |
Livre des memoires | Book of memoires |
Quatre livres de ltres .. des vieilles & les autres des fresches (?) | Four books (folders?) of letters old and new(?) |
Declaration d'un tableau dedie a la Reyne | Description(?) of a tableau (a painting or a masque?) dedicated to the Queen |
Discours touchant le droit que ceux de Nevers ont en Brabant Lothier et Limburg | Discourse concerning the claim which the de Nevers family has over parts of the Netherlands |
frases des ltres | Phrases from letters |
Un livre de recueils tant de droit & de proverbs | A book of collected sayings and proverbs |
Un livre de ltres avec attaches bleues | A book of letters fastened in blue? |
Un livre de l'estate de la fr. avec attaches noires | A book on the state of France, fastened in black? |
Traitte des Princes(?) Canons et autres ministres de l'estate de france | Treaty (signed) by Princes, Canons and other French ministers? |
Declaration du Roy de Navarre contre les colomnies publises contre luy | Declaration by Henri, King of Navarre (Bacon’s friend) countering some calumnies published against him |
Clavis steganographia | Cryptographic key (i.e. a code book] |
Un petit livre appelle Zibaldona & autres recueils ou(?) papiers de Mr mon Maistre | Anthony Bacon’s commonplace book and other collected papers of his |
Livre escript de la main de moresin en Anglois & Latin | A book in English and Latin written by Thomas Moresin (probably manuscript copies of Papatus, by Thomas Morisinus, and printed - in Latin only - in Edinburgh, 1594). |
Relatione delle dose d'Esp | Account of the quantity (strength?) of Spain |
Une astrologie depuis le commencement du monde. | An astrological calendar ‘from the beginning of the world’. |