To this are appended the titles of the Lord Archbishop (John Whitgift), Lord
Chancelor (Christopher Hatton), Lord Thr[easur]er (William Cecil), Lord
Chamberlaine (Henry Carey) and Mr. Comptroler (James Crofts).
"Whereas it was reported that Christopher Morley was determined to have gone beyond
the seas to Reames and there to remaine, Their Lordships thought good to certefie that
he had no such intent, but that in all his accions he had behaved him selfe orderlie
and discreetlie wherebie he had done her Majestie good service, & deserved to be
rewarded for his fathfull dealinge: Their Lordships request that the rumor thereof
should be allaied by all possible meanes, and that he should be furthered in the degree
he was to take this next Commencement: Because it was not her Majesties pleasure that
anie one emploied as he had been in matters touching the benefitt of his Countrie should
be defamed by those that are ignorant in th'affaires he went about."